Thursday, October 26, 2023

kafka-connect transform

# Creating a Transform Regex to Parse a Date from a String with YYMMDD at Position 2

🗒️ Answer

To create a transform regex in Kafka Connect that parses a date from a string with YYMMDD starting at position 2, you can use the ExtractField transformation to extract the relevant substring and then apply the TimestampConverter transformation to convert it to a timestamp. Here's a sample configuration:

  1. Use ExtractField to Get Substring:

    • Add the ExtractField transformation to your Kafka Connect configuration.
    • Set the field property to the name of the field containing the date string.
    • Set the index property to the starting position where YYMMDD begins.
    transforms=extractDate transforms.extractDate.type=org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.ExtractField$Value transforms.extractDate.field=yourFieldContainingDateString transforms.extractDate.index=2
  2. Apply TimestampConverter for Conversion:

    • Add the TimestampConverter transformation to convert the extracted substring to a timestamp.
    • Set the format property to specify the format of the input date string.
    transforms=extractDate,convertTimestamp transforms.convertTimestamp.type=org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.TimestampConverter$Value transforms.convertTimestamp.field=yourFieldContainingExtractedDate transforms.convertTimestamp.format=yyMMdd

    Adjust the yourFieldContainingDateString and yourFieldContainingExtractedDate according to your actual field names.

  3. Configure Additional Properties:

    • Ensure that the remaining Kafka Connect properties such as source and sink configurations are appropriately set.

This configuration assumes that your date string is stored in a specific field, and the desired substring (YYMMDD) starts at position 2.

# Parsing Substring from Message Key into a Timestamp in Kafka Connect

## 🗒️ Answer

To parse a substring from a message key into a timestamp in Kafka Connect, you can use the `org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.RegexRouter` Single Message Transform (SMT) for this purpose. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. **Configure RegexRouter Transformation:**

   - Add the `RegexRouter` transformation to your Kafka Connect configuration.

   - Specify the regex pattern to match the substring in your message key.

   - Use capture groups in the regex to extract the relevant portion.






   transforms.parseTimestamp.replacement=$1  # $1 refers to the first capture group


2. **Define Your Regex Pattern:**

   - Adjust `yourRegexPattern` to match the substring you want to extract as a timestamp. Capture the relevant part using parentheses `()`.





   In this example, it captures a six-digit numeric substring.

3. **Output Timestamp Format:**

   - If the extracted substring represents a timestamp, use additional transformations like `TimestampConverter` to convert it to the desired timestamp format.







   Adjust the `format` property based on your timestamp format.

Ensure you adjust the configurations according to your specific use case, message key structure, and timestamp format.

To parse a substring from a message key into a timestamp in Kafka Connect, you can use the org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.RegexRouter Single Message Transform (SMT) for this purpose. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Configure RegexRouter Transformation:

    • Add the RegexRouter transformation to your Kafka Connect configuration.
    • Specify the regex pattern to match the substring in your message key.
    • Use capture groups in the regex to extract the relevant portion.


    transforms=parseTimestamp transforms.parseTimestamp.type=org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.RegexRouter transforms.parseTimestamp.regex=yourRegexPattern transforms.parseTimestamp.replacement=$1 # $1 refers to the first capture group
  2. Define Your Regex Pattern:

    • Adjust yourRegexPattern to match the substring you want to extract as a timestamp. Capture the relevant part using parentheses ().



    In this example, it captures a six-digit numeric substring.

  3. Output Timestamp Format:

    • If the extracted substring represents a timestamp, use additional transformations like TimestampConverter to convert it to the desired timestamp format.


    transforms=parseTimestamp,convertTimestamp transforms.convertTimestamp.type=org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.TimestampConverter$Value transforms.convertTimestamp.format=yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss

    Adjust the format property based on your timestamp format.

Ensure you adjust the configurations according to your specific use case, message key structure, and timestamp format.

## 🌐 Sources

1. [Stack Overflow - How to convert String to Timestamp in Kafka Connect using transforms](

2. [Confluent - Kafka Connect Transformations - TimestampConverter](

3. [Example of Using Kafka Single Message Transform (TimestampConverter)](


kafka-connect to elastic how to transform message into an index with a month year timestamp for partitioning


To transform a message into an index with a month year timestamp for partitioning, you can use the TimestampRouter Single Message Transformation (SMT) in Kafka Connect. This SMT can be used to modify the topic name of messages as they pass through Kafka Connect
 Here are the steps to use the TimestampRouter SMT:
  1. Configure the Elasticsearch sink connector to use the TimestampRouter SMT. You can do this by adding the following configuration to the connector properties:
"transforms": "TimestampRouter", "transforms.TimestampRouter.type": "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.TimestampRouter", "transforms.TimestampRouter.topic.format": "${topic}-${timestamp}", "transforms.TimestampRouter.timestamp.format": "yyyy.MM"
  1. In the configuration above, ${topic} is the original topic name, and ${timestamp} is the timestamp of the message. The topic.format property specifies the format of the new topic name, which includes the original topic name and the timestamp. The timestamp.format property specifies the format of the timestamp.
  2. When the connector processes a message, it will use the TimestampRouter SMT to create a new topic name that includes the original topic name and the timestamp. For example, if the original topic name is my-topic and the message timestamp is 2023-10-26T14:30:00Z, the new topic name will be my-topic-2023.10.
  3. Elasticsearch can use the new topic name to create an index with a month year timestamp for partitioning.
Note that the property in the Elasticsearch sink connector configuration can also be used to specify the Kafka record field to use as the timestamp for the @timestamp field in documents sent to a data stream
how to do this based on time in message data


To transform a message into an index with a month year timestamp for partitioning based on time in message data, you can use the MessageTimestampRouter Single Message Transformation (SMT) in Kafka Connect
 This SMT extracts the timestamp from the message value's specified field and adds a topic prefix and appends the timestamp of the format specified by topic.timestamp.format to the message topic
 Here are the steps to use the MessageTimestampRouter SMT:
  1. Configure the Elasticsearch sink connector to use the MessageTimestampRouter SMT. You can do this by adding the following configuration to the connector properties:
"transforms": "MessageTimestampRouter", "transforms.MessageTimestampRouter.type": "io.confluent.connect.transforms.MessageTimestampRouter", "transforms.MessageTimestampRouter.topic.format": "${topic}-${timestamp}", "transforms.MessageTimestampRouter.message.timestamp.format": "yyyy-MM-dd", "transforms.MessageTimestampRouter.topic.timestamp.format": "yyyy.MM", "transforms.MessageTimestampRouter.message.timestamp.keys": "timestamp,time,ts"
  1. In the configuration above, ${topic} is the original topic name, and ${timestamp} is the timestamp of the message. The topic.format property specifies the format of the new topic name, which includes the original topic name and the timestamp. The message.timestamp.format property specifies the format of the timestamp in the message data. The topic.timestamp.format property specifies the format of the timestamp in the new topic name. The message.timestamp.keys property specifies the field names to look for in the message data to extract the timestamp.
  2. When the connector processes a message, it will use the MessageTimestampRouter SMT to create a new topic name that includes the original topic name and the timestamp. For example, if the original topic name is my-topic and the message data contains a field named timestamp with the value 2023-10-26, the new topic name will be my-topic-2023.10.
  3. Elasticsearch can use the new topic name to create an index with a month year timestamp for partitioning.
Note that the property in the Elasticsearch sink connector configuration can also be used to specify the Kafka record field to use as the timestamp for the @timestamp field in documents sent to a data stream
how to do this with message timestamp in milliseconds since epoch


To transform a message into an index with a month year timestamp for partitioning based on the message timestamp in milliseconds since epoch, you can use the MessageTimestampRouter Single Message Transformation (SMT) in Kafka Connect
 This SMT extracts the timestamp from the message value's specified field and adds a topic prefix and appends the timestamp of the format specified by topic.timestamp.format to the message topic
 Here are the steps to use the MessageTimestampRouter SMT:
  1. Determine the field name in the message data that contains the timestamp in milliseconds since epoch. For example, if the field name is timestamp_ms, the value might be 1635272400000.
  2. Convert the timestamp in milliseconds to seconds by dividing it by 1000. For example, 1635272400000 / 1000 = 1635272400.
  3. Configure the Elasticsearch sink connector to use the MessageTimestampRouter SMT. You can do this by adding the following configuration to the connector properties:
"transforms": "MessageTimestampRouter", "transforms.MessageTimestampRouter.type": "io.confluent.connect.transforms.MessageTimestampRouter", "transforms.MessageTimestampRouter.topic.format": "${topic}-${timestamp}", "transforms.MessageTimestampRouter.message.timestamp.format": "yyyy-MM-dd", "transforms.MessageTimestampRouter.topic.timestamp.format": "yyyy.MM", "transforms.MessageTimestampRouter.message.timestamp.keys": "timestamp_ms"
  1. In the configuration above, ${topic} is the original topic name, and ${timestamp} is the timestamp of the message. The topic.format property specifies the format of the new topic name, which includes the original topic name and the timestamp. The message.timestamp.format property specifies the format of the timestamp in the message data. The topic.timestamp.format property specifies the format of the timestamp in the new topic name. The message.timestamp.keys property specifies the field name in the message data that contains the timestamp.
  2. When the connector processes a message, it will use the MessageTimestampRouter SMT to create a new topic name that includes the original topic name and the timestamp. For example, if the original topic name is my-topic and the message data contains a field named timestamp_ms with the value 1635272400000, the new topic name will be my-topic-2021.10.
  3. Elasticsearch can use the new topic name to create an index with a month year timestamp for partitioning.
Note that the property in the Elasticsearch sink connector configuration can also be used to specify the Kafka record field to use as the timestamp for the @timestamp field in documents sent to a data stream


how to convert milliseconds since epoch to a date in javascript
how to extract timestamp from a message in milliseconds since epoch
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