Monday, December 19, 2022

spring boot actuator

 Spring Boot Actuator is a sub-project of Spring Boot that provides several production-grade services to help you monitor and manage your application. You can use the file to configure Actuator endpoints, set security rules, and customize other Actuator-related settings.

Here are some examples of common Actuator configuration options that you can set in the file:

  • management.endpoints.web.exposure.include: This property specifies which Actuator endpoints should be exposed via HTTP. For example, to expose all endpoints, you can set this property to *.

  • This property controls whether the /actuator/health endpoint should include detailed information about the health of your application. By default, this endpoint only returns a simple "UP" or "DOWN" status.

  • management.endpoints.web.base-path: This property sets the base path for Actuator endpoints. For example, if you set the base path to /actuator, all Actuator endpoints will be available under the /actuator path, such as /actuator/health and /actuator/info.

  • management.endpoint.shutdown.enabled: This property enables or disables the /actuator/shutdown endpoint, which allows you to gracefully shutdown your application. By default, this endpoint is disabled for security reasons.

  • management.endpoints.web.cors.allowed-origins: This property specifies which origins are allowed to access Actuator endpoints. This is useful for enabling cross-origin requests from web applications.

There are many other configuration options available for Actuator. You can find more information in the Spring Boot Actuator documentation.

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