Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Oracle alter version control

create table fox_version
versionid number not null
version_date date default systimestamp

create unique index UK on fox_version ('1');

create user
grant view
grant unlimited tablespace
grant imp_full_dat    
grant connect
grant resource

Monday, January 6, 2020

Oracle 19c

Oracle 19c (


export DISPLAY

global database name=

ORACLE_BASE /ora/cucs/root




Container CDB
Pluggable PDB (multi tennant) in CDB

Remote Standby Database with Observer

A file system enables disk space to be allocated to many files. Each file has a name and is made to appear as a contiguous address space to applications such as Oracle Database. The database can create, read, write, resize, and delete files.
A file system is commonly built on top of a logical volume constructed by a software package called a logical volume manager (LVM). The LVM enables pieces of multiple physical disks to combine into a single contiguous address space that appears as one disk to higher layers of software.

/etc/oratab mounts db startup
/etc/fstab mount points

adrci > show alert

lsnrctl LISTNER

yum inst zip/unzip/xauth/vim
install xming modify XO.hosts
start xming :0.0
X11Fowarding yes
X11DisplayOffset 10
XAuthLocation /usr/bin/xauth
sudo systemctl restart sshd
puty ssh>x11>enable x11 forwarding
Xdisplay location localhost:0.0

/us1/software - patches